
QQ apk 2024

QQ Apk Download India 2024

QQ supports both one-on-one and group me


QQ supports both one-on-one and group messages, enabling users to communicate with friends and family anytime, anywhere with just one tap. The platform has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows users to easily send and receive messages, collaborate and share information with friends and colleagues.
One of the standout features of QQ is its support for high-definition voice and video calls with up to 40 participants. This feature offers users an immersive experience to connect and inTeract with friends and colleagues regardless of their location, which can be crucial for work or personal communication.
QQ · Happy communication
1.Providing services to over 90% of mobile internet users
2.Enabling multiple-end, multi-person video and file transmission through constant innovation to meet communication needs
3.Dedicated to creating a delightful communication, entertainment, and life experience.
The main function
1.Chat messages: Easily send and receive friend and group messages anytime and anywhere with just one tap.
2.Voice call: Enjoy high-definition chat through two-person or multi-person voice call.
3.Video chat: Stay connected with friends and family through face-to-face video chat.
4.File transfer: Conveniently and quickly transfer files between mobile phones and computers.
5.Spatial dynamics: Keep up-to-date with friends' dynamics and share life experiences.
6.Personal dress-up: Personalize your chat experience with free choice of themes, business cards, color ringtones, bubbles, and pendants.
7.Game Center: Enjoy the hottest mobile games like Tiantian and the whole country can't stop.
8.Mobile payment: Conveniently recharge phone bills, shop online, transfer and collect money all in one place.


- 聊天中的视频消息支持展示字幕,不听声音也能“看”懂视频;
- 超级表情,“大”有不同,可爱萌化,趣享心情;
- 手机相册发送相片时,点击照片在预览模式上滑,可添加文本消息;
- 开启游戏消息盒子,与游戏好友随时畅聊、约开黑、冲王者;
- 优化了一些体验问题,提升版本稳定性。






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